пятница, 31 октября 2014 г.

Видео репетитора по английскому языку - English lessons

Восприятие английского на слух (навыки аудирования) - дополнительные упражнения к первому уроку из "красного мёрфи" - английский для начинающих.
Сам урок тут - Уроки английского бесплатно онлайн. Wanna, gonna, gotta — это очень просто!
The interview (Обучающие диалоги на английском языке)

THE WARMEST MEMORY Уроки английского языка

English Reading comprehension Section

There was something missing in the old man's life. Alleo Forkson had a whole planet for himself — a rare Earth-type planet. The missing thing was not tangible, it was rather a memory of his very early years, a memory which refused to enter his consciousness.
He lived alone on his planet, had lived there alone ten years, and he spent his waking hours —and many of his sleeping hours — remembering, step by step, the first years of his life. This was his "job" now that he was retired, now that he had a planet of his own, now that he was one hundred eighty-seven years old.

The day he first approached the path to the missing memory began as he stood on the sands of his beach and fingered his special necklace.
He fingered a white sand-worn shell on the necklace, and that shell was one of the keys he had found to the certain past years.
He fingered the scull of a small reptile, another key; and a piece of a greenish agate.
One by one he fingered all the hundred keys-to-memories on his necklace, taking pride in the fact that he collected, kept and diligently wore the small objects that helped him Remember times he'd once forgotten and would forget again if he had no help.
He was afraid to forget, and so he made voice-tapes in his mobil-home each time he Remembered another event of the past.

He had spent ten years on that beach, on those sands by the yellow cliffs, and in the fields above the cliffs, and in his mobil-home that rested on the dirt flat above the cliffs.
For ten years a twenty-square-mile area had been the stage for his Remembering, and he knew it well, but today there was no satisfaction in walking along the beach in search for "keys" and memories.
Something special in his memory was hidden from him.
He had found the piece of greenish agate high on the beach sands, and it had reminded him of the green lakes of the planet where he and his second wife had their home a hundred ten years ago: there were other, more pleasant details of the past seen in the agate.

He had found the white sea shell in fluffs of sand on the mid-beach line, and it had reminded him of his first job in the Human Acclimation Division, the corporation whose Pension Directives had honored his long service giving him this Earth-type home as a retirement site.
That first job — he remembered now for the thousandth time as he stood on the sands — had been an artistic one, so to speak: to write lyrics for music played at the passenger vessels.
His first lyrics had been clumsy ones, as he admitted now, about a nautilus shell "rising through the star-froth seas of space."
The tiny legbone of some little animal — he'd found it in the dirt at a crumbling part of the cliffs — reminded him of the thinness of his first wife's body, a thinness he had married a hundred sixty years ago on Earth, in a time before the great flights past Pluto.

Сколько времени надо готовиться к собеседованию на английском языке English interview

Двенадцать советов, как пройти собеседование на английском языке.
Обладая обширным опытом проведения, поможет Репетитор английского языка – вот его авторский сайт.
English Studio.
Осень – самое время начать активно готовиться к следующему ЕГЭ по английскому.

Собеседование на английском языке

пример - как пройти собеседование на английском языке?
Наша компания готова помочь Вам действительно успешно пройти собеседование на английском языке.
Пример тому – наши клиенты, которые когда-то, как и Вы, беспокоились, волновались, готовились, но
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Готовимся к собеседованию на английском языке.
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понедельник, 20 января 2014 г.

Ассоциация репетиторов Москвы/ Репетиторы Петербурга

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